Exploring the Secrets of Success
Author: David O. Oyedepo
Success is your kingdom right; your redemptive right; your covenant right! Don't sell off like Esau did for a mere morsel of meal. Success is your heritage in Christ. It is your covenant birthright in redemption. Failure is an abuse on redemption because Jesus came down to take you up.
However, success is not a gift, but a choice. While it is a birthright, the individual's choice determines his portion. All that foreknew, He predestined, called, justified and glorified (Romans 8:29-30). So, your choice to succeed is what generates in you the force to succeed. Your choice is the compass that points to your destination.
God has destined you for all-round success: success in your walk with Him, in your business, career, finances, health, home, academics, etc. You are a born star and are required to stand out wherever you are. Already, God has assured us that whatever we lay our hands upon to do shall prosper. But it takes secrets to succeed! It takes a discovery of God's secrets to attain the success He has in store for you. So, in this book, we shall be exploring the kingdom secrets that make for outstanding success on the earth. A strict and consistent pursuit of these secrets will grant you an eternal access into the reality of the covenant of success. You shall succeed!